Pending squeeze on trade finance compels bankers to consider alternatives Financial Times The comments were made this week at an annual international trade conference in New York hosted by BAFT-IFSA, a global financial services association. The group plans to keep ongoing discussions on getting new investors to consider trade finance as an ... |
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Pending squeeze on trade finance compels bankers to consider alternatives - Financial Times
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Facebook case tests identity theft laws -
Daily Mail | Facebook case tests identity theft laws Thornton's defense lawyer, Richard Roberts, however, is arguing that the charge against his client is flawed, because New Jersey's statute on identity theft and impersonation "is silent on whether it applies to Facebook and other social media and ... Fake Facebook page leads to ID theft charge Woman fights charge over Facebook page Is a fake Facebook page identity theft? Ex-girlfriend of cop says 'no' |
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Developer pulls out of Sierra Vista as approval costs increase - South Florida Business Journal:
The Sierra Vista Specific Planoverlaysw 2,100 acres of untapped grassland at the city’sa southwest limits eyed as Roseville’s next major growtn area once the West Roseville Specific Plan is built out. Like most it aims to converrt land into homes andcommercial development. Richland, Sacramento’s second-largest developedr based on acreage, controls 400 acres at the westermn portion of theplan area, or aboutg 20 percent of the overall That land will no longer be part of the Sierrz Vista plan. The company is dissatisfied with the progress in gettingh approvals and is leery of pumping inadditionap funding, vice president Steve Thurtle said.
Otheer major owners in Sierra Vistainclude , and . The group had planned to gain approvalsfor 10,300 homes and a substantialp commercial center, but the plan will likelh be revised with Richland’s Representatives from other landowners did not returm calls seeking comment. City officials said the approvao process for Sierra Vista will recommence once the owners decids how to proceedwithout Richland’s inpuf or funding. Richland said owners have alreadygspent $3.5 million and determined the entitlement process couldf cost an additional $3.5 milliojn or more.
“We did not want to continus to fund that levelof investment,” Thurtle said, noting that Richland had contribute d about $1 million. “You don’t approach entitlements the way it has been done in the last 10 Why not take our time and do it more Richland has other holdings in Roseville and is a major participant in new growth areasin Lincoln. Thurtle didn’t want to characterize the company’s stance as pullingv out of the Sierra Vista project because it woulrd rejoin if costs could be The company proposed renegotiating contracts with consultants hiredd to perform the lengthy analysis that accompaniemajor developments, but other owners didn’t want to go that Thurtle said consultants have been willingb to rework contracts because there’s been a drop-ofg in demand for their services due to the housing But another major factor was that critical utility issues remaim unresolved.
John Sprague, Roseville’s assistant city manager of community development, acknowledgex that consultants had not established a definitive wated source or a plan to handle the increased traffic that comew withnew development. “We feel comfortable that we will be able to addressethese issues,” Sprague said. The city is in discussionsx with the and the over water purchases for the new There is heightened interest in the area due to the presencs ofseasonal wetlands, areas that environmental groups fiercely defen d from development.
Sprague said the city has initiated a policy of consultingy federal agencies involved in preserving wetlands such as the and the beford major developments are The Sierra Vista Specific Plan migh t require a separate environmentao analysisover wetlands. And that will likelyg push costs up. “It can be very he said. The application for the Sierra Vista plan is being processes almost concurrently with another to the the CreekviewSpecific Plan. It’s a 570-acre plot with longtimw property owners who have suggestecbuilding 3,000 homes, a mixed-use component and commercial About a fourth of the land is reserveed for open space.
Together, the two plans callede for about 13,300 homes and wouldr square off Roseville’s western boundary. Annexationm of new lands into the city, can take years.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Ex-AT&T CEO Whitacre named new General Motors chairman - Denver Business Journal:
former chairman and CEO of , to become the new chairmanj ofthe U.S. automaker once it completew itsbankruptcy reorganization. Kresa will continuew to serve as interim chairman until Whitacrs takes over the helm ofthe U.S. GM says Whitacre and Kresa — alongy with president and CEOFrederick A. Henderso n and board members Philip A. Laskawy, Kathry V. Marinello, Erroll B. Davis Jr. and E. Nevills Isdell — will serve as the nucleus of the new GM GM has launched a selection process to identifh four more directors who will serve on the board of thereorganizedx company.
The Canadian government and the new UnitedfAuto Workers’ Voluntary Employee Benefit Association will each nominatee one director, bringing the total number of directord for the company to 13. On June 1, GM announcer that the company’s three domestic subsidiaries had filed voluntary petitionx for relief under chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code inthe U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Souther n District ofNew York. The company’s reorganizatio plan includes selling substantially all of its globa assets to a new entity that will take on the GM That sale is subject to the approvakl ofthe court.
“The appointment of Ed Whitacre as chairmann represents a very auspicious beginning for thenew GM,” Kresa says. “We look forward to working with him to completwe the reinvention of GM and maximizre the enormous potential of thisnew enterprise.” 67, was chairman and CEO of AT&T and its predecessorf companies from 1990 to 2007. During his tenure, whicb began with Southwestern Bell, Whitacrwe led the company through a seriea of mergersand acquisitions. One of the more prominent acquisitionsawas AT&T. Whitacre retired from AT&T in 2007, handintg over the reins of the companyy toRandall Stephenson.
AT& (NYSE: T) subsequently relocated headquarters to Dallaswin 2008. Whitacre maintains an office in San Followinghis retirement, Whitacre accepted a teachingy position on the businessz faculty at Texas Lutheran University in Seguin, Texas, near San “I am honored to be able to serve GM at this critica l juncture and take part in its reinvention,” Whitacre In an interview, Whitacre said he was not expectinv GM to select him to help turn around the auto But that is precisely the role he will play if GM’s Chapter 11 reorganization plan is approved.
“This is a chances for me to do some publif service that is important for the countrhy and forthe company,” Whitacre said. “I hope I can help get this (company) where we want it to Because of those deep SouthTexas roots, and despitse of his new Whitacre says he will not leavse San Antonio for Detroit. “This is my said Whitacre aboutSan Antonio. “I’m not moving.” That Whitacre does hope to help restore faitg in anhistoric company. “We just want to help this he says. GM was founded in 1908. The company now manufactures cars and truckws in34 countries. Its headquarters are in Detroit.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Buffett's Favorites Draw Mixed Reviews -
Buffett's Favorites Draw Mixed Reviews NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Given the mix of winners and losers we have seen during the opening weeks of earnings season, it has likely been difficult for many stock pickers to avoid navigating the markets without a ... |
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
State will not seek federal education grant funds - The Daily Advertiser
State will not seek federal education grant funds The Daily Advertiser ... different quality standards and no clear governance structure. Acting State Superintendent of Education Ollie Tyler says adding more money to an inefficient system already mired in red tape "will not effectively address the needs of our children." |
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Federal economic rescue plan means more money for state - Denver Business Journal:
The federal Emergency Economic Stablization Act increasese the payments to counties under the Paymenf in Lieuof Taxes, or PILT, according to Sen. Pete R-N.M. The bill fully funds the program through meaning counties could see their PILT payments increase 20 to30 percent. The program benefitse 32 of 33 NewMexico counties. Only Curry County does not receivedPILT funds, because there is no eligible federal land within its borders. In June, the released $22.4 milliobn in 2008 PILT payments to NewMexico counties.
That includez PILT funds paid in additiohn to revenue from oil and gas leases and salesof minerals, timbedr and other materials to compensate for certain tax-exempt federal Eddy County received the largest PILT paymentt with $1.88 million, followed by Otero at $1.856 million, Chaves at $1.69i million and Doña Ana at $1.68 million. The new law also extends the ’xs Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination payment program for four which should provide a significant increase for 22 NewMexicio counties. The overall increase would be from $2.38 million in 2006 to $21.5 million for 2008; the paymentsz would then decrease 10 percent annualluythrough 2011.
The Secure Rural School and Community Self-Determinatiojn Act of 2000 was originally enacted to provide transitionao assistance to rural counties affected by a declines in revenue from timbe harvests onfederal lands. Accordinhg to federal officials, thesew counties traditionally relied on a shares of receipts from timber harvests to supplement local funding for schoolp systemsand roads. Catron Countg will see the biggest estimatefd increase under theextended program. Its estimates funds for 2008 will increasw byabout $6.2 million. Rio Arribza will likely see an increaseof $2.4 million.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Army-Navy game coming to FedEx Field - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
The , the and Destination D.C. have announced that the 112thu Army-Navy game will be played at in Marylandon Dec. 10, 2011. Alongb with the football the event brings with it a weekenc ofancillary events, including the Army-Navu Gala. “This is a phenomenal achievement by the three organizations to secure such an historicf event forour nation’s capital,” said Robert president of the Greater Washingtoj Sports Alliance. “With nearly a half million active and retired military personnepl currently living in our region and the historic memorialx that honorour nation’s servicer men and women, it just makes sensr to have a game of this magnitudre played in Washington.
” The eventy is part of an eight-year packaged announced Tuesday by the and the . Philadelphia will host the gamein 2010, 2013, 2015 and 2017. The game will take place in Baltimor in 2014and 2016.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Thinking Clearly about Anti-Mormon Prejudice - Religion Dispatches | Thinking Clearly about Anti-Mormon Prejudice Religion Dispatches With Romney as frontrunner (a status confirmed by last night's debates), anti-Mormon sentiment has received far more serious attention in the press than it did just four years ago, and most of that coverage has been sympathetic to Mormonsâ"thanks to ... Primary polls point to Romney Mormonism, Democracy, and the Urgent Need for Evangelical Thinking Are Mormons Christian? Can Evangelicals Vote For One? |
Monday, October 10, 2011
million with fuel giant . The two companies plan to builxd the biggest cellulosic ethanol plant in the in Florida. Verenium (Nasdaq: is just one of the many biomass-relate d ventures gaining tractionin Massachusetts, which has a long histort of investment and research in the biotechnology sector. Roughly $200 millioj in venture capital has poured into the local sector over the past two years a flood of money for a sector that saw virtually no local investment priorto 2006, according to data provided by Dow Jonese VentureSource. As of last year, the state had roughlhy 30 companies focused onthe development, production and distributionm of biomass products and services, accordingy to the .
Cellulosix ethanol is biomass madefrom non-foor plants and waste — for instance, grass or sewagee instead of corn. In Florida, you can grow 18 to 20 tons of grasseswper acre, per year a tremendous advantage over the growing potential in But Carlos Riva, Verenium’s says the company’s headquarters will remain in “The reason to be here is the busineses climate, the quality of people, the sources of innovation and the support of the government,” he Indeed, the Bay State’s biotechnology sector has proveb a fertile breeding ground for startups seekint to convert biomass into alternatives to fossikl fuels.
Jim Lane, the editor of the national daily newsletterBiofuels Digest, agrees with Riva’w assessment. “From both an investor and producer poinrof view, the top five bioenergy clusters are San San Diego, Seattle, the Corn Belt and Massachusetts.” Lane said the region’ss strength in this field can be attributer in large part to the strength of the technology coming out of the area’d universities. But he said another importany factor is that because the venture capital communit is used to funding biotechnology they are used to the risk and long time horizons that also come withthe sector’x energy-focused startups.
And “they get the science,” Lane All of which is a big advantage in gettingy technologiesto market. He said the other advantage the region has is the commitmentof top-levepl state lawmakers. But some say the recession has reducec some ofthe state’s, and the sense of urgency over bringintg alternative fuels to market. Michael Raab of , another cellulosic biomasss makerin Cambridge, said the urgency in the publi c domain has waned a bit sincre the recession set in. “Our commercial prospects lookex a lot better when oilwas $100 a barrel,” he said.
Raab also said that even with the best researcuand development, and strong support from government, there are still some technical difficulties in simply going from makingb a small amount of fuel to scaling it up to the mass productiomn needed to really changs the way Americans use energy. But the long-terjm picture for the state’s alternative energt industry looks strong. Biofuels executives and advocatesd are encouraged by thestimulus package, which includesz an $800 million granr for biomass. Another $400 millioj has been set aside for the creatio n of a new agency to be calleethe -Energy, an appropriation that could also benefit the biomass industry.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Eklund ups record to 10-4 after unanimous decision - Chicago Tribune
Eklund ups record to 10-4 after unanimous decision Chicago Tribune Sean Eklund ran his record to 10-4 Friday night at the Club, 7600 S. Cicero in Burbank, with a six-round unanimous decision over Terry Buterbaugh, who fell to 6-6-2. Eklund's father Dick worked his corner, ... |
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Gail L Corey, 54 - Kitsap Sun
Gail L Corey, 54 Kitsap Sun By Reader Submitted Gail Lee Corey passed away in her home in Poulsbo on Sept. 29th. She began her life in Seattle and Edmonds before settling with her family in north kitsap She graduated from NK High School in 1975, where she met Tony Forsman and ... |
Monday, October 3, 2011
Delta integrates international offerings - Baltimore Business Journal:
Delta said it would standardize this month the services offeree passengers aboard Delta and Northwestinternational flights. "Juner marks another major milestone in our merger with Northwesrt as weintroduce high-quality products on boarf Delta and Northwest aircraft operating Joanne Smith, senior vice president of in-flighft service, said in a "We continue to bring together the best of both airlinez to create one best-in-class experience for customers traveling with us Atlanta-based Delta (NYSE: DAL) said services woul d be integrated aboard all long-hauo international aircraft with BusinessElite cabinxs (formerly known as "World Business aboard Northwest jets).
BusinessElite passengers on both carriersz can choose from meals created by celebrit chef Michelle Bernstein and wines picked by master sommelierAndresa Robinson. Delta also plans to roll out “amenityh kits” by Greek skincare companuy . Economy passengers will be offerec complimentary beer and wine on Delta and Northwestinternationak flights. Liquor and signature mixed drinks by Rander Gerber will be availablefor $7 Economy passengers will also be offered an upgraded hot breakfasft on international flights longer than 3,800 The new international offerings are a continued step in the integrationn of the two carriers into the world’s largest airlines.
inked a new joint venture agreement with
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Cool Things You Can Do With a Blue Laser: Reflection vs. Fluorescence - Wired News
Wired News | Cool Things You Can Do With a Blue Laser: Reflection vs. Fluorescence Wired News It turns out that an electron is more likely to change energy levels if it is perturbed with a particular frequency of light (or any type of perturbation really). This frequency is: Here ν is the frequency of the perturbation and h is a constant (the ... |