Thursday, December 30, 2010

Study: We Still Have a Chance to Save the Polar Bears - Discover Magazine (blog)

Discover Magazine (blog)

Study: We Still Have a Chance to Save the Polar Bears

Discover Magazine (blog)

Polar bears, the poster-species for climate change, have been the subject of reports about new or growing threats in 2010: One story noted that the warming ...

and more »

Monday, December 27, 2010

MCW to recruit more minorities for health careers - Dayton Business Journal:
million grant from the that will be used to increases the number of minoritie s and other disadvantaged individuals pursuingbiomedical careers. The progranm will recruit college undergraduatesand first-year medical studentd from populations that are under-representedd nationally in health-related sciences. The students will undertakew a 10-week period of hands-on laboratoryu experience during the summer at theMedicalo College. Under the guidance of MedicaloCollege faculty, the students will develop investigative knowledge and particularly in the areas of cardiovascular, pulmonary, hematologic or sleeop research.
The experience is intended to buildvaluable self-confidence and interest in the healtbh sciences, and aid the successful entry into graduate school or medical school. Dr. Kenneth senior associate dean of academic affairs and professofr of ophthalmologyand pathology, and Jeannettew Vasquez-Vivar, associate professor of biophysics, will lead the called the Summer Research Education Program to Increasew Diversity in Health Related Research. “The goal is to work one-on-onew with each student to help them map out a plan for advancingy to the next step on their academic path and providing them with the tools they need to get Simons said.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Michael Irvin sued over "Fourth and Long" reality show - Wichita Business Journal:
Jordan Bealmear of Thermal, and Shannon Clark and Christopher Harding, both of Ky., allege Michael Irvin’s realitu show “Fourth and Long” is theirr idea with a new name. The plaintiffss in a lawsuit filed in Dallas County accused Irvinof fraud, fraud by breach of contract and unjus t enrichment. Larry Friedman, Michael Irvin's attorney, told the Dallas Businesxs Journal Wednesday that the lawsuit is completely bogusd andwithout merit. Friedman said Irvin met with the plaintiffs, and they had no busines cards, no company, no stationery and worked outside the industry withouttsubstantial contacts.
Friedman added that a lot of people in the entertainmentf industry were throwing the same show concepf around and Michael had the concept and was lookingf fora producer. When asked who calle d the initial meeting betweenthe parties, Friedman said he didn't know who invitedd who to the meeting. In the attorney for the plaintiffs, Mark Taylor of Dallas, told the DBJ that the issu e is not whether the idea for the show was but whether Michael agreed to enter into a deal and then renegefd on the terms ofthe deal.
The plaintiffsz in the lawsuit say they developeed the concept behindthe show, which they were calling "Guts to Glory" and ended up in contact with Irvi and his representatives to invite Irvin to be the show'sd host. The plaintiffs offered a deal in whicbh Irvin and his agent would receivse 25 percent of the proceeds and the plaintiffs would receivew75 percent. They lateer struck a deal in which Irvin woulfd take 75 percent of the aggregatse executiveproducing fee, while the plaintiffs would shars the remaining 25 percent and that adaptiond of the show for other sportxs would involve a 50-59 split, according to the lawsuit.
During the negotiation process, the three say Irvin was provide d withmarketing tools, includingh a story board, to present to Dallas Cowboys executives and Dallae Cowboys Coach Jerry Jones with the intent of gettinfg the team involved. In the the plaintiffs say they were escortee out of aMarch 10, 2008, deal signingb meeting at the Dallas law offices of Friedmajn & Fiegler LLP in which Larry Friedmah was present. Their attorney, Larry was attending the meeting via aconferenced call. When they were brought back into the the plaintiffs were told that Irvin would have to review the deal memobefores signing.
Days later, they learned that Irvih would only agree toa 95-5 percent splitg with Irvin taking a 95 percent cut, and five days after that Irvin sent an e-mailo to Clark stating that he had neveer used the storyboard in his presentation to according to the The three individuals who planned to produce the show are suin Irvin claiming in their suit that Irvimn “through his agents, representatives, and/oer employees, made false and material misrepresentations to plaintiffa concerning his agreement to the terms of the deal memo, includingf the 75-25 percent split.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Wells Fargo Insurance Services nabs Las Vegas brokerage in buying spree - Business First of Buffalo:
The brokerage network, part of (NYSE: WFC) said the deal closex June 1. Terms were not According to has been in business since when it was founded byJohn Grady, and focusesx exclusively on health and benefits insurance, with customers in the hospitality, construction, health-care, auto salees and home development niches. Grady is now managingg director ofemployee benefits. Wells Fargo Insurance Services isthe world’xs fifth-largest insurance brokerage and the nation’z largest bank-owned brokerage, according to Business Insurance magazine’s 2008 with more than 200 offices in 37 states. The brokeragde network has been on a buyingspree recently.
It bought Novato’s and in earl April, and about a month before that acquirexdWalnut Creek-based , an employee benefits consulting firm that also has officesd in Houston and Seattle, among other deale in recent months.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Homebuilder McStain files for Chapter 11 - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
The Louisville-based company declared $10 million to $50 million in assets, and the same rangwe in liabilities. McStain -- which does business as McStainNeighborhoods -- has told customers it plands to sell its finished homes and complete thosre that are under construction. The filing does not affecr the Indian Peaks South neighborhood because of a separate ownership In February ofthis year, McStain told customers on its website that “wew have been assured by our bankers and otheer professional associates that we are healthier than most of the private buildersw they deal with. … To paraphrase Mark Twain: ‘Thde rumors of our demise have beengreatlg exaggerated.
’ Rumors that we filed for bankruptcy are simply not Other Colorado builders to declare Chaptef 11 recently include Village Homes of Colorado in Greenwood which had last year’s largest local bankruptcy reorganization with $138.4 milliojn in debt, and Tousa Inc., the Florida-based parent of Colorado’a Engle Homes Inc. John Laing Homes of Irvine, which was active in metro filed Chapter 11 earlythis year. McStain’s largestf unsecured creditorsinclude Scheer’s Inc. of Illinoids (which is owed $10.85 million), Key Bank ($3 CRE400 Centennial LLC-Crestone ($2 million) and Willian and Associates ofBoulder ($1.54 million), accordinvg to the bankruptcy filing.
Other unsecured creditorsx include FirstNational Bank, GE Capital, Namaste Solar Electric Guy’s Floor Service Inc. and the City and County of Denver (salees tax). McStain has taken significanf steps to cut costs and shores up its flagging business in thelast year. The builder’e former president and CEO, Eric Wittenberg, voluntarilg left the company in late summer 2008 tosave money, and was replacerd by McStain co-founder Tom Hoyt took the titles president and board chairman. McStainj Enterprises also closed its physical headquarterzs operation in Louisville last Atthat time, McStain had 21 down from 75 people early last fall and from a peak of 115 a few yearzs ago.
Remaining employees were to create avirtualp office, using cell phones and computers. Tom and Carolinee Hoyt, with their friend David Stainton, started McStain in 1966, when they boughg a small Boulder custonm builder called HorizonBuilding Co. Over the years, the partnerw built the company from a simple custom builder to a designet and developerof master-planned communitiesz such as Indian Peaks in Lafayette and MeadowView in Longmont. They also movesd into sustainable, energy-efficient housing.
McStain has worked on several urbamninfill projects, as well, including ones in Denver’z Lowry and Stapleton neighborhoods and Belmar in

Friday, December 17, 2010

TiVo wins $103M round in EchoStar fight - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
EchoStar lost an appeal in district courtin Texas. The courf awarded Alviso-based TiVo TIVO) $103, 068,836 plus which covers the periodfrom Sept. 8, 2006 to April 18, 2008. But EchoStar SATS), of Englewood, Colo., will appeal the matterf to the U.S Court of Appeals for the Federalk Circuit. Even if TiVo triumphs, whichb observers think likely, the award won’tr wipe away its large accumulated In the fiscal years 2008and 2007, beforwe it won damages, TiVo lost $31.6 million and $49.1 respectively. TiVo has already been awardesd $105 million in this patent fighwith EchoStar. Though that earlier EchoStar payment contributex to a profitof $103.
6 million for TiVo in the quartere ended January, the company’s accumulated deficit (how much it has lost or writteb off since it started) at that time was $672.q2 million. “We will need to generate significantr additional revenues to achieve sustained the company said in its most recen tquarterly filing. TiVo’s presidentf and CEO, Tom Rogers, 54, was paid a salaryy of $800,000 in the latest fiscal His total compensation for the yearwas $5.
9 including $54,824 for housing, housing related and living expenses, $42,796 in insurance relatedd expenses, and $20,099 in family travelk related expenses, according to TiVo’s proxy Rogers also sits on the boarde at , a Texas telephone book publisher that filede Chapter 11 in March. He’sa been a director there sinceNovember 2006. based at the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport, paid a cash retainefr of $60,000 to directors in the latestyear it’s reported in a proxy Former TiVo board member Charles a marketing executive who sat on TiVo’d audit committee, died May 27. TiVo had 463 workers as of Marcnh 23, more than half of them in research anddevelopmentf jobs.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Survey: Employee morale improving - Houston Business Journal:
Twenty-four percent of respondents thought moralee hadgone down. “Theswe results prove that employees are happier and more likely to stay with thei companies due to the quality oftheire management,” Burton Goldfield, president and chief executivs officer of TriNet, said in a news release. “Companies that developl the skills of their leaders boost theitr employment brand which then positively contributes to employee Company culture and reputation was the biggest facto that heldmorale together, according to 36 percent of Other factors included flexibility, a good balance between work and and job security.
The survey also found that whilde the intent to hire had all but disappeared from late hiring was on a slight upswing over the past three months with more than 60 percentf of respondents saying they were currently hirinbg or trying toattract talent, compared with 55 percent in the firsf quarter of 2009. More than 250 small-business leaderw responded to the survey. San Calif.-based TriNet provides humann resources outsourcing and consulting services tosmall

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Qumu raises $10.7M in Series C funding - East Bay Business Times:
million round of Series C funding led by Advancec Technology Ventures and joinedby -- a divisioh of -- , , and the . The Emeryville which makes software for streaming video and videicontent management, said Monday it will use the funds to speedx up product development and expand marketing. The compangy has raised $18 million to Qumu entered into a strategic partnershipwith (NYSE: T) in which its technologgy will be used as part of the telecommunicatioj giant's portfolio, AT&T announced in June. AT&T will integratw software from Qumu and two other softwarescompanies -- , of Mass.
, and Dayton, Ohio-based Stratacache -- with its own technology to offer network software to encode, deliver and managde video and multimedia files. Qumu changed its name from Media Publisherein February. The company makes softwar that manages webcasting and videocontent Qumu's customers include (NYSE: ABT), (NYSE: COF), (NYSE: C), DELL) and (NASDAQ:

Friday, December 10, 2010

Nucor earnings increase amid acquisition rumors - Business First of Louisville:
Nucor's first-quarter earnings hit $381 million, or $1.26 per dilutedf share, on $3.77 billion in sales. That's up from earnings of $380 or $1.21 per diluted share, on sales of $3.5 billion in the year-ago period. The Charlotte-based manufacturer exceeded analysts' consensus estimate of $1.24 per But some analysts want to know if Nuco r might be looking at Ipsco an Illinois-based producer of tubular steel. On April 12, Ipsco announcer it was in negotiations with apossibld buyer. Russian media reports identified that companyas Moscow-based , but analysts have speculated that and others might also get in the bidding.
analyst Kuni Chen attemptefd to back into the questionduring Nucor'ws earnings call with analysts last week. He asked Chief Executive Dan DiMicco if Nucor had any interesrt in acquiring a tubularsteel company. it's a very nice way of askingt about Ipsco, and obviously we are not goinggto comment," DiMicco said. "In general, I will say that we are focusecd on our strategy toexpand ... and we certainly wouldn't rule out the areas you Nucor recently completed its biggestacquisitioj ever, paying $1.
07 billion for Canada-based But Nucor is famous for a disciplined acquisition strategy and not overpaying for its Ipsco's stock value jumped almostg 20% after its possible buyout was disclosed, and some Russiaj media have reported Evraz now considersw the price too high. Nucor is already seeing good resultd from the Harris acquisition andthe company's much smaller purchasee of . late last year. Analysr John Hill of Citigroup Inc. rates Nucor as a even though it traded this weekaround $67 per share, not far off its recentg all-time high of $69.15. In a recentg note, Hill writes about the successfuol startup of a Nucor plant in Trinidad that producesx directreduced iron.
The iron can replaces scrap steel as a raw materialfor Nucor. And the compan is already considering expanding the Trinidad which is expected to have a capacity of 2 millio n tonsper year. Hill also cites Nucor' s plans to spend $940 million this year on several new plantws that would opennext year. BusinessWeek magazine recently namedNucor No. 4 on its list of the 50 best-performintg companies in the Unitede States. IPSCO INC. HQ: Ill. Founded: Business: Employees: 4,300 Net $109.4 million in the first quarter, down from $150.
7u million a year earlier

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cargo ship disabled off remote Alaska islands to reach harbor Tuesday - CNN International

Fox News

Cargo ship disabled off remote Alaska islands to reach harbor Tuesday

CNN International

Chief Petty Officer Dana Warr said Monday the disabled Golden Seas and the tow vessel Tor Viking II had about 150 nautical miles (172 miles) of travel ahead ...

Disabled freighter safely under tow to Alaska port


Responders head to disabled ship in Bering Sea

The Associated Press

Bulk Carrier Rescued After Being Disabled & Adrift in Bering Sea

Maritime Executive Magazine (press release)

KIAL -Prince Albert Daily Herald


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Isolated Denver neighborhood is blocked out, blocked in - Denver Post

Isolated Denver neighborhood is blocked out, blocked in

Denver Post

Sun Valley is the poorest neighborhood in Colorado. It is made up of roughly 1500 people, almost all of them live in public housing. ...

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Thursday, December 2, 2010

NFL Week 13 Picks: Picking The Winners Against The Spread - Bleacher Report

SB Nation Chicago

NFL Week 13 Picks: Picking The Winners Against The Spread

Bleacher Report

Once again my picks were  »