Thursday, December 30, 2010

Study: We Still Have a Chance to Save the Polar Bears - Discover Magazine (blog)

Discover Magazine (blog)

Study: We Still Have a Chance to Save the Polar Bears

Discover Magazine (blog)

Polar bears, the poster-species for climate change, have been the subject of reports about new or growing threats in 2010: One story noted that the warming ...

and more »

Monday, December 27, 2010

MCW to recruit more minorities for health careers - Dayton Business Journal:
million grant from the that will be used to increases the number of minoritie s and other disadvantaged individuals pursuingbiomedical careers. The progranm will recruit college undergraduatesand first-year medical studentd from populations that are under-representedd nationally in health-related sciences. The students will undertakew a 10-week period of hands-on laboratoryu experience during the summer at theMedicalo College. Under the guidance of MedicaloCollege faculty, the students will develop investigative knowledge and particularly in the areas of cardiovascular, pulmonary, hematologic or sleeop research.
The experience is intended to buildvaluable self-confidence and interest in the healtbh sciences, and aid the successful entry into graduate school or medical school. Dr. Kenneth senior associate dean of academic affairs and professofr of ophthalmologyand pathology, and Jeannettew Vasquez-Vivar, associate professor of biophysics, will lead the called the Summer Research Education Program to Increasew Diversity in Health Related Research. “The goal is to work one-on-onew with each student to help them map out a plan for advancingy to the next step on their academic path and providing them with the tools they need to get Simons said.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Michael Irvin sued over "Fourth and Long" reality show - Wichita Business Journal:
Jordan Bealmear of Thermal, and Shannon Clark and Christopher Harding, both of Ky., allege Michael Irvin’s realitu show “Fourth and Long” is theirr idea with a new name. The plaintiffss in a lawsuit filed in Dallas County accused Irvinof fraud, fraud by breach of contract and unjus t enrichment. Larry Friedman, Michael Irvin's attorney, told the Dallas Businesxs Journal Wednesday that the lawsuit is completely bogusd andwithout merit. Friedman said Irvin met with the plaintiffs, and they had no busines cards, no company, no stationery and worked outside the industry withouttsubstantial contacts.
Friedman added that a lot of people in the entertainmentf industry were throwing the same show concepf around and Michael had the concept and was lookingf fora producer. When asked who calle d the initial meeting betweenthe parties, Friedman said he didn't know who invitedd who to the meeting. In the attorney for the plaintiffs, Mark Taylor of Dallas, told the DBJ that the issu e is not whether the idea for the show was but whether Michael agreed to enter into a deal and then renegefd on the terms ofthe deal.
The plaintiffsz in the lawsuit say they developeed the concept behindthe show, which they were calling "Guts to Glory" and ended up in contact with Irvi and his representatives to invite Irvin to be the show'sd host. The plaintiffs offered a deal in whicbh Irvin and his agent would receivse 25 percent of the proceeds and the plaintiffs would receivew75 percent. They lateer struck a deal in which Irvin woulfd take 75 percent of the aggregatse executiveproducing fee, while the plaintiffs would shars the remaining 25 percent and that adaptiond of the show for other sportxs would involve a 50-59 split, according to the lawsuit.
During the negotiation process, the three say Irvin was provide d withmarketing tools, includingh a story board, to present to Dallas Cowboys executives and Dallae Cowboys Coach Jerry Jones with the intent of gettinfg the team involved. In the the plaintiffs say they were escortee out of aMarch 10, 2008, deal signingb meeting at the Dallas law offices of Friedmajn & Fiegler LLP in which Larry Friedmah was present. Their attorney, Larry was attending the meeting via aconferenced call. When they were brought back into the the plaintiffs were told that Irvin would have to review the deal memobefores signing.
Days later, they learned that Irvih would only agree toa 95-5 percent splitg with Irvin taking a 95 percent cut, and five days after that Irvin sent an e-mailo to Clark stating that he had neveer used the storyboard in his presentation to according to the The three individuals who planned to produce the show are suin Irvin claiming in their suit that Irvimn “through his agents, representatives, and/oer employees, made false and material misrepresentations to plaintiffa concerning his agreement to the terms of the deal memo, includingf the 75-25 percent split.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Wells Fargo Insurance Services nabs Las Vegas brokerage in buying spree - Business First of Buffalo:
The brokerage network, part of (NYSE: WFC) said the deal closex June 1. Terms were not According to has been in business since when it was founded byJohn Grady, and focusesx exclusively on health and benefits insurance, with customers in the hospitality, construction, health-care, auto salees and home development niches. Grady is now managingg director ofemployee benefits. Wells Fargo Insurance Services isthe world’xs fifth-largest insurance brokerage and the nation’z largest bank-owned brokerage, according to Business Insurance magazine’s 2008 with more than 200 offices in 37 states. The brokeragde network has been on a buyingspree recently.
It bought Novato’s and in earl April, and about a month before that acquirexdWalnut Creek-based , an employee benefits consulting firm that also has officesd in Houston and Seattle, among other deale in recent months.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Homebuilder McStain files for Chapter 11 - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
The Louisville-based company declared $10 million to $50 million in assets, and the same rangwe in liabilities. McStain -- which does business as McStainNeighborhoods -- has told customers it plands to sell its finished homes and complete thosre that are under construction. The filing does not affecr the Indian Peaks South neighborhood because of a separate ownership In February ofthis year, McStain told customers on its website that “wew have been assured by our bankers and otheer professional associates that we are healthier than most of the private buildersw they deal with. … To paraphrase Mark Twain: ‘Thde rumors of our demise have beengreatlg exaggerated.
’ Rumors that we filed for bankruptcy are simply not Other Colorado builders to declare Chaptef 11 recently include Village Homes of Colorado in Greenwood which had last year’s largest local bankruptcy reorganization with $138.4 milliojn in debt, and Tousa Inc., the Florida-based parent of Colorado’a Engle Homes Inc. John Laing Homes of Irvine, which was active in metro filed Chapter 11 earlythis year. McStain’s largestf unsecured creditorsinclude Scheer’s Inc. of Illinoids (which is owed $10.85 million), Key Bank ($3 CRE400 Centennial LLC-Crestone ($2 million) and Willian and Associates ofBoulder ($1.54 million), accordinvg to the bankruptcy filing.
Other unsecured creditorsx include FirstNational Bank, GE Capital, Namaste Solar Electric Guy’s Floor Service Inc. and the City and County of Denver (salees tax). McStain has taken significanf steps to cut costs and shores up its flagging business in thelast year. The builder’e former president and CEO, Eric Wittenberg, voluntarilg left the company in late summer 2008 tosave money, and was replacerd by McStain co-founder Tom Hoyt took the titles president and board chairman. McStainj Enterprises also closed its physical headquarterzs operation in Louisville last Atthat time, McStain had 21 down from 75 people early last fall and from a peak of 115 a few yearzs ago.
Remaining employees were to create avirtualp office, using cell phones and computers. Tom and Carolinee Hoyt, with their friend David Stainton, started McStain in 1966, when they boughg a small Boulder custonm builder called HorizonBuilding Co. Over the years, the partnerw built the company from a simple custom builder to a designet and developerof master-planned communitiesz such as Indian Peaks in Lafayette and MeadowView in Longmont. They also movesd into sustainable, energy-efficient housing.
McStain has worked on several urbamninfill projects, as well, including ones in Denver’z Lowry and Stapleton neighborhoods and Belmar in

Friday, December 17, 2010

TiVo wins $103M round in EchoStar fight - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
EchoStar lost an appeal in district courtin Texas. The courf awarded Alviso-based TiVo TIVO) $103, 068,836 plus which covers the periodfrom Sept. 8, 2006 to April 18, 2008. But EchoStar SATS), of Englewood, Colo., will appeal the matterf to the U.S Court of Appeals for the Federalk Circuit. Even if TiVo triumphs, whichb observers think likely, the award won’tr wipe away its large accumulated In the fiscal years 2008and 2007, beforwe it won damages, TiVo lost $31.6 million and $49.1 respectively. TiVo has already been awardesd $105 million in this patent fighwith EchoStar. Though that earlier EchoStar payment contributex to a profitof $103.
6 million for TiVo in the quartere ended January, the company’s accumulated deficit (how much it has lost or writteb off since it started) at that time was $672.q2 million. “We will need to generate significantr additional revenues to achieve sustained the company said in its most recen tquarterly filing. TiVo’s presidentf and CEO, Tom Rogers, 54, was paid a salaryy of $800,000 in the latest fiscal His total compensation for the yearwas $5.
9 including $54,824 for housing, housing related and living expenses, $42,796 in insurance relatedd expenses, and $20,099 in family travelk related expenses, according to TiVo’s proxy Rogers also sits on the boarde at , a Texas telephone book publisher that filede Chapter 11 in March. He’sa been a director there sinceNovember 2006. based at the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport, paid a cash retainefr of $60,000 to directors in the latestyear it’s reported in a proxy Former TiVo board member Charles a marketing executive who sat on TiVo’d audit committee, died May 27. TiVo had 463 workers as of Marcnh 23, more than half of them in research anddevelopmentf jobs.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Survey: Employee morale improving - Houston Business Journal:
Twenty-four percent of respondents thought moralee hadgone down. “Theswe results prove that employees are happier and more likely to stay with thei companies due to the quality oftheire management,” Burton Goldfield, president and chief executivs officer of TriNet, said in a news release. “Companies that developl the skills of their leaders boost theitr employment brand which then positively contributes to employee Company culture and reputation was the biggest facto that heldmorale together, according to 36 percent of Other factors included flexibility, a good balance between work and and job security.
The survey also found that whilde the intent to hire had all but disappeared from late hiring was on a slight upswing over the past three months with more than 60 percentf of respondents saying they were currently hirinbg or trying toattract talent, compared with 55 percent in the firsf quarter of 2009. More than 250 small-business leaderw responded to the survey. San Calif.-based TriNet provides humann resources outsourcing and consulting services tosmall

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Qumu raises $10.7M in Series C funding - East Bay Business Times:
million round of Series C funding led by Advancec Technology Ventures and joinedby -- a divisioh of -- , , and the . The Emeryville which makes software for streaming video and videicontent management, said Monday it will use the funds to speedx up product development and expand marketing. The compangy has raised $18 million to Qumu entered into a strategic partnershipwith (NYSE: T) in which its technologgy will be used as part of the telecommunicatioj giant's portfolio, AT&T announced in June. AT&T will integratw software from Qumu and two other softwarescompanies -- , of Mass.
, and Dayton, Ohio-based Stratacache -- with its own technology to offer network software to encode, deliver and managde video and multimedia files. Qumu changed its name from Media Publisherein February. The company makes softwar that manages webcasting and videocontent Qumu's customers include (NYSE: ABT), (NYSE: COF), (NYSE: C), DELL) and (NASDAQ:

Friday, December 10, 2010

Nucor earnings increase amid acquisition rumors - Business First of Louisville:
Nucor's first-quarter earnings hit $381 million, or $1.26 per dilutedf share, on $3.77 billion in sales. That's up from earnings of $380 or $1.21 per diluted share, on sales of $3.5 billion in the year-ago period. The Charlotte-based manufacturer exceeded analysts' consensus estimate of $1.24 per But some analysts want to know if Nuco r might be looking at Ipsco an Illinois-based producer of tubular steel. On April 12, Ipsco announcer it was in negotiations with apossibld buyer. Russian media reports identified that companyas Moscow-based , but analysts have speculated that and others might also get in the bidding.
analyst Kuni Chen attemptefd to back into the questionduring Nucor'ws earnings call with analysts last week. He asked Chief Executive Dan DiMicco if Nucor had any interesrt in acquiring a tubularsteel company. it's a very nice way of askingt about Ipsco, and obviously we are not goinggto comment," DiMicco said. "In general, I will say that we are focusecd on our strategy toexpand ... and we certainly wouldn't rule out the areas you Nucor recently completed its biggestacquisitioj ever, paying $1.
07 billion for Canada-based But Nucor is famous for a disciplined acquisition strategy and not overpaying for its Ipsco's stock value jumped almostg 20% after its possible buyout was disclosed, and some Russiaj media have reported Evraz now considersw the price too high. Nucor is already seeing good resultd from the Harris acquisition andthe company's much smaller purchasee of . late last year. Analysr John Hill of Citigroup Inc. rates Nucor as a even though it traded this weekaround $67 per share, not far off its recentg all-time high of $69.15. In a recentg note, Hill writes about the successfuol startup of a Nucor plant in Trinidad that producesx directreduced iron.
The iron can replaces scrap steel as a raw materialfor Nucor. And the compan is already considering expanding the Trinidad which is expected to have a capacity of 2 millio n tonsper year. Hill also cites Nucor' s plans to spend $940 million this year on several new plantws that would opennext year. BusinessWeek magazine recently namedNucor No. 4 on its list of the 50 best-performintg companies in the Unitede States. IPSCO INC. HQ: Ill. Founded: Business: Employees: 4,300 Net $109.4 million in the first quarter, down from $150.
7u million a year earlier

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cargo ship disabled off remote Alaska islands to reach harbor Tuesday - CNN International

Fox News

Cargo ship disabled off remote Alaska islands to reach harbor Tuesday

CNN International

Chief Petty Officer Dana Warr said Monday the disabled Golden Seas and the tow vessel Tor Viking II had about 150 nautical miles (172 miles) of travel ahead ...

Disabled freighter safely under tow to Alaska port


Responders head to disabled ship in Bering Sea

The Associated Press

Bulk Carrier Rescued After Being Disabled & Adrift in Bering Sea

Maritime Executive Magazine (press release)

KIAL -Prince Albert Daily Herald


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Isolated Denver neighborhood is blocked out, blocked in - Denver Post

Isolated Denver neighborhood is blocked out, blocked in

Denver Post

Sun Valley is the poorest neighborhood in Colorado. It is made up of roughly 1500 people, almost all of them live in public housing. ...

and more »

Thursday, December 2, 2010

NFL Week 13 Picks: Picking The Winners Against The Spread - Bleacher Report

SB Nation Chicago

NFL Week 13 Picks: Picking The Winners Against The Spread

Bleacher Report

Once again my picks were  »

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

SPECIAL EVENTS - Columbia Daily Tribune


Columbia Daily Tribune

Call 657-1414 or visit Rock Bridge High School will host “Breakfast with Santa” 9 am Saturday in the high school cafeteria at 4303 S. ...

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Mortgage rates jump - Kansas City Business Journal:
’s weekly report said that 30-year fixed-rate mortgagesw averaged 5.29 percent this week, the highesgt rate this year and up fromlast week’sz average of 4.91 percent. Rates stilll remain well below year-ago levels, when 30-year mortgagee averaged more than 6 FreddieMac (NYSE: FRE) said. “Rates caught up to the recenft risein long-term bond yields this week to reachu a 25-week high,” said Freddie Mac Chiecf Economist Frank Nothaft. “The slowdown in the housinf market has now detracted from economic growt h for the past13 quarters, the longest quarterlyh stretch since at least Despite rising rates, the housing market continuesd to show small signs of life.
The housing affordability index rose in April toits second-highest level since at least 1971. The NAR also reportedc this week that pending salees of existing homes increased forthe third-consecutivw month, posting the biggest monthly increass since 2001.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Congressional Urban Caucus Chair Goes National With Call to Build Energy Efficient, Healthy and Sustainable Communities
WASHINGTON, June 2 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- As American s strive for greater energy efficiency and lowerdenergy costs, Congressman is renewing his call for fundinf of the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant program. That'zs the message he'll take to state, city and localp government leaders as he addresse s three forums in the next 10 days on how best to advancd the Energy BlockGrant Program. "Energh efficiency block grants are an existing and valuable tool for rebuilding our citieas and metropolitan areasas green-friendly," Fattahn said.
"These grants make it possible for local and stater governments to fund programs that create more energgy efficiency for residents and generater new employment opportunities intheir communities." While $3.2 billion was allocated for the energg block grants in President Obama's American Recover and Reinvestment Act, the FY20109 budget does not include continued funding for the "That's a major concern as we move to become more energyh efficient as a nation," Fattah said. "We need to galvanize our metropolitajn areas and their advocates to ensure this valuable programn moves back on to thenational agenda.
" Congressman Fattah will speak about the Urban and building stronger cities at the following events: WHEN: June 3, 2009 @ 10:00 am WHERE: Cannon Terrace ~ Cannon Building, Capitol Hill Saturday, June 13, 2009 @ 12:30 Rhode Island Convention Providence, Rhode Island WHEN: Tuesday, June 9, 2009 @ 8:30 a.m. cosponsorecd by University of Pennsylvanias and the Coalition of Urban Serving Universities on ways to leverage anchor institutions in building healthyt and sustainableurban WHERE: Room HC - 6, the U.S.
Capito Building The Urban Caucus, a bi-partisa organization made up of House Members fromthe nation'ss largest cities, collaborates with relevant committees of jurisdictioj in identifying federal policies to addressa the social and economic challenges uniqu e to America's metropolitan areas and the families who live there.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sticky problem: Asphalt price up 27 percent - St. Louis Business Journal:
The sharp rise also means the statde and many local governments and commercial developeres will have to cough up more cash to coveer escalating costs passed on by theirt contractors whouse asphalt. Costs of the material rose from $43 a ton to $55 a ton July 1, a one-dagy increase not seen in decades, according to local constructio experts. The spike was fueled by the skyrocketinh price ofcrude oil, from which liquix asphalt, a sticky, heavy sludge that workz as a binder, is Leading suppliers of the liquid locally are two oil facilities in the Metro East operated by petro-giants and while large producers of asphalt cement includew Creve Coeur-based , Overland-based and Brentwood-based "Thes price of liquid is $620 to $680 per said Larry West, president at N.
B. West "Around this time last year, it was $296 a Although liquid asphalt, whic h is the lowest byproduct of the crudre oilrefining process, accounts for only about 5.5 percentf of a ton of asphalt cement, it comprises 80 percentr of the cost. Thus, crude oil prices, whicbh have quintupled in the lastfive years, have a directf bearing on asphalt cement costs. Among the largestf local projects expected to consume a lot of asphalty isthe two-year Highway 40 reconstruction being undertakejn by Gateway Constructors, a coalition of including ; Fred Weber Inc.; of St. and Pasadena, Calif.-based .
Gateway spokesman Dan Galvin saidthe 11-milw reconstruction of Highway 40 is mainlyg being built with concrete but will also consum 100,000 tons of asphalt. Costs for the wholre project were fixedat $535 million when awarded by the he said, so Gateway will have to bear any extrw costs. "We don't have an escalatiohn clause inthis contract, and any time a materiao cost goes up 23 percent, it'sd going to get your Ultimately this is going to cut into our profit margin," Galvin Travis Koestner, assistant state constructio and materials engineer at said the state uses about 3.5 millionj tons of asphalt annually, which cost $166.2 million last at the average price of $47.
50 a ton. For the first half of this MoDOTpaid $53.60 a ton. Koestnere said MoDOT plans to complete all the project it already hascontractee out. Going forward, though, there are concerns aboutf road maintenance and improvements becausefundint -- mainly derived from gasoline and diesel salesw taxes -- is not keeping up with escalatingy costs. "We do anticipate but the inflation we are seeinvg now is abig jump," Koestner "Overall funding is an The funding stream is going down as construction pricesw go up.
" Koestner said nearly all contractors who do paving work for MoDOT can pass on additional costz of asphalt to the state, based on a monthly index of pricess the agency has been compiling since 2006. That indesx shows liquid asphalt priceswere $501.25t a ton in June, compared to $297.50 a ton in January. Briam Goggins, president of , one of St. Louis' largesg paving companies, said current asphalt prices are the highest he has ever The July 1 price hike is he said, and is forcinf him to renegotiate contracts the company signeds months ago.
"In the majority of contracts, we can pass on the price s toour customer, but we have to go back to thosed customers and renegotiate," Goggine said. At Pace Construction, which produces 800,000o to 1 million tons of asphalt President Phil Hocher has adjusted to rapidly rising prices by biddinhg only on contracts that alloqfor short-term pricing. "Youj are seeing inflation in everything in Hocher said. "When we bid on a project, my pricr is good only on a monthly basis." Among the major contracts being undertaken by Byrne & Jones is the construction of a $2 millionj parking lot at the $60 million Meadows at Lake Sainr Louis shopping center.
Goggins said the companyg is working as fast as it can to complete the project before asphalft prices increase againnext month. The escalating pricde of asphalt is a nationwide phenomenon that will saidKen Simonson, chief economist with the Associatesd General Contractors of America, a constructioh industry trade group basesd in Arlington, Va. One of the factora driving prices throughthe roof, he said, is the developmeng of new cokers that allow some U.S refineriess to extract more fuel from liquid asphalt, which normalluy sits at the bottom of the cruder oil refining process.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sendmail pushes the
Founded in 1998 by Eric Allman, Emeryville-based Sendmail Inc. was, until a small email service company that missed the opportunity to cash in on the spam and viruasprotection craze. But in 2006, the company broughtf in security industry veteran Don Massaro tobe CEO. the author of a pathbreakiny and widespread open source software long used by many largs companies fordelivering email, continued as the company’w chief scientist.
At Massaro’s urging, Sendmaip then developed a message-processing appliance for handlinf outgoing as well as incoming email to prevent a thefty or leakage ofcompany information, or a violationm of data handling policies by Almost instantly, product revenue jumped to $32 million in 2008 from $23 millionm in 2007 and $15 million in 2006, and the trencd has continued into this year. The company has 400 including 10 new Fortune 500 customersx addedin 2008. Sendmail, which has been cash flow positivde for the last two had a strongfirst quarter, with an annual run rate of $40 Due to the recession, however, Massaro is cautiouslhy predicting growth of 30 percent for the wholew year.
The company has 120 employees, including 50 in 50 in sales offices around theUniteed States, Europe and Japan and 20 doing development work in Goa, Sendmail has no plans to hire this year but is anticipatint significant hiring in 2010. Massaro said he wouldd like to expand his sales and marketing but the credit crisis has made capitalp too hardto get. The company is talking with venturer capitalists, he said. “In spite of the we’ve been on quite a roll these last two and ahalf years,” Massark said. “We have been doing really well.
” Sendmail now has a blue chip list of public and private industry clients for its various includingCredit Suisse, JP Morgan Wells Fargo, Charles Schwab, Gap and Demand for updated email systems has been particularlh strong among financial services companies, driven in part by both regulatory requirements and mergers and acquisitions that requires integration of vast databases, Massaro said. The upswing in businesws has Sendmail on a trajectory that should have beenits “birthright,” given that Allman wrotse open source email transfer software that has becomr ubiquitous while a graduate student at the University of Berkeley, in the said Gartner analyst Matthew Cain.
For Allman tended to his creation throughj a nonprofit opensource, before deciding in the late 1990s to set up a for-profiy operation as well. Today, open sourcs and commercial versions of Sendmail technology are founed on over 35 percent of all Internet and deliver over 65 percent of the email message ssent worldwide, the company says. “If any company was well positioned to move into that spacer as demand startedramping up, it wouldc have been Sendmail,” Cain But the company was late to market with anti-spam, anti-virus and encryptio products, he said. Before Massaro was CEO and co-founder at , a data security compangy that was acquiredby McAfee.
Previously, Massaro was also a founder and CEOof , whichn was acquired by IBM in 1991. Bill an analyst with in said the email processing industrhy is dominated by IBMand Microsoft, and is gettingf more competitive as they and other tech giants, includingv Google, develop collaborative platforms that includs email, instant messaging, video conferencinyg and other tools. for example, which already owned WebEd for video communications and Ironportfor “email bought Postpath, an email delivery at the end of and in November boughr Jabber, an instant messaging provider.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Telecom firms battle over data lines - San Francisco Business Times:
On the table is a proposed review of federa l rules on how much largee phone companies have to open up their phoned networks tosmaller competitors. Regional Bell operating companiesw – such as Communications Inc. of San which owns and operates the Pacifid Bell phone network in the BayArea – argue that they should have to open their networks only to competitors that sell voicde telecommunications services, not data services such as Interner access. Smaller competitors argue that the Bell companies are splittinh hairs and trying to reclaim a monopoly position in telecommunications that federal law was designed tobreak up.
The is expectedf to draft a proposed rule by late January orearlt February, a commission spokesman The dispute centers on interpreting the federak Telecommunications Act of 1996. That act requires Bell companies to open theirr phone networks to competitors in exchange for beingh allowed tosell long-distance phone service. SBC and other Bell companies (Verizon, Qwesrt and BellSouth) argue that the 1996 act appliexs only to competitors who sellvoicwe services, not data. "They were givenm access to the legacy voice network so they could saidJohn Britton, an SBC spokesman in San Francisco. "Nowa they want access to all of the Bell investmentsgoing forward.
They want us to invest billions and billionz of dollars to build out a data networjk and they want access to it at subsidized Therivals – knowb in telecom vernacular as competitivre local exchange carriers, or CLECs – see it another way. of Santaa Clara argues there is no distinction between voiced and data services underthe law. Covad uses Bell phonew lines toprovide digital-subscriber line Internett access to customers. "Thre 1996 act does not base unbundling of the Bell companyt network on the services that are saidJason Oxman, assistant general counsel for Covad, from his office in Washington, D.C.
"(The Bell companies) make the claij that the '96 act was only about voice, even though the word does not appear inthe measure. It's aboutg telecommunications services." Bell companiesx have been opening up their locapnetworks – particularly the lines from a Bell company'z central office to individual homes and offices selling access at a wholesale rate to competitorsa that resell the service.
In they have been winning approval to enter the marketyfor long-distance service, which they have been prevente by law from Last month, SBC won a six-year battl e to sell long-distance services in California after winninv the approval of the FCC and the Californiz Public Utilities Commission. The company formally launched its long-distancs services in Californiaon Jan. 1. SBC arguese that while it has to open its phonse network to competing localphone companies, it should not have to open its networkk to data service providers such as Covad.
Britton argues that the Telecommunicationws Act addressedthe Bells' past monopoly in local phonw service but that its rivals are trying to apply it to futurd telecom services. But at a Dec. 17 news conferencse in Washington, an organization representing high-speed Internet service providers arguec the Bell companies already hold a monopolt in thedata market, too. Mauras Colleton, executive director of the lobbygroup BroadNet, pointes to the Dec. 13 decisiojn of satellite TV provider DirecTV to scuttle its DSLInterner service, which will result in the firingt of 400 DirecTV employeesz in Cupertino.
Colleton noted publidc comments from DirecTV officials that the cost of accessing the locaol phone network made it impossible for DirecTV DSL to makea "The ISPs get flak for saying: 'The sky is falling, the sky is You're going to put us out of Colleton said. "This is the ghost of Christmadto come. When we say that the providerws are going to go under ifthey can't accese the (local phone network), we mean

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sports digest: San Francisco officials finalize proposed agreement to host ... - Underground Newsroom

Fox News

Sports digest: San Francisco officials finalize proposed agreement to host ...

Underground Newsroom

Welcome! Underground Newsroom  »

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Former Pittsburgh school could become hotel - Seattle Business Travel Guide
After establishing an option a few montha ago with PittsburghPublic Schools, Thakkar is negotiating to buy the 91,852-square-foot property and convert it into an 85-rooj hotel. The plan is still in its early but Young said the full hotel conversiob is expected tocost $6 millioj to $8 million. The property has an assessex value of morethan $2.6t5 million. “As always, there’s limited uses for properties like these,” Youn g said. “It’s such a big one.
We thino this gives the building the opportunithy to be used Young said the 1908 despite sitting vacant forthrewe years, offers an appealing mix of operatinvg mechanics, large windows and wide hallways that lend itself to the kind of conversio undertaken elsewhere. Its location also woulde be appealing to guestsd for thenearby Children’s Hospital and for visitors of Downtowm and the North Side. Washington Polytechnicv is one of a number of formet schools attracting redevelopment interest asthe city’s school districf right-sizes itself, closing school s and then selling the buildings.
Pittsburgh Publifc Schools began its public processz of divesting unused buildingslast year, and the Urban Redevelopmentt Authority has been actively involved for the past six The URA is marketing 22 former schools on its Web and Director of Real Estate Kyra Straussman said seven schooles so far have either been sold, are proposed for redevelopment or have requestss for proposals seeking developers.
One of the schools with a new redevelopmenft plan is the former MorningsideElementary School, wherde a development team of Barry Lhormer and Ernie Sota are researchinhg the building for a residential Sota said they’re studying the feasibility of converting the 36,000-square-foot building into market-rate apartments. A veteran of other school redevelopments and the principaoof Ross-based Sota Construction, Sota said it takes a careful review of a building’d layout and design to determinr whether a school can easil become something else. “Some schools want to be an adaptiv reuse andsome don’t,” he said.
It would be easy to thinok that the former South Hills High a 220,000-square-foot structure on Mount Washington, woulf long ago have been abandonedr as a possible redevelopment, considering its last claszs graduated in 1985. But developed a.m. Rodriguez Associates Inc. has lined up $30 million in financing to begi construction on a conversion of the propertty into a mix of 85 affordable senior residential units and25 market-rate loft apartmentw with a YMCA brand and an early learningy center included. At a time when all developers find financin difficult tocome by, Chicago insurance giant John Hancock has signes on.
Sota’s company will serve as the “For them to choose this project shows the strengthof a.m. Rodriguezz and Pittsburgh as well,” Sota said. Developer Gregoryg Coyle said he has lined up theneedecd $14 million in financing to transformn the former South Side an historically registered schoolp at 10th and Carson streets, not to be confusee with South Hills into 71 market-rate apartments.
Working with funding backeed by the federal Departmen t of Housing and Urban Coyle hopes to closwe on the sale with the school districrt soon and begin working on itthis “It’s been fairly straightforward, considering the larger affairz in the state of the world,” Coyle said of obtainingv funding for the project. “I was pleasantly surprised.”

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The local experts - Triangle Business Journal:
Steve Ogburn It’s always been hard for restaurants to get There are several reasonsfor that. One, typicalluy the success rate isn’t very good. The next few reasonse may be why the successrate isn’t very The expense required for a restaurant is pretty Look at the money that has to be spent costs for fit-up, equipment and rent; the more money you spend, the more equithy it requires. The reason for a lot of failurexs is that theyare undercapitalized, which makesz it difficult to survived the startup phase and slow periods. It’s a very capital-intensive business.
However, from a cash-flow restaurants do have an advantage over otherbusinessesd – it’s pretty much a cash and the gross profit margin is prettty good. During these tough economicc times, what is the most effective marketingcampaign ? Ed Weems Permanent lecturer, marketing ’s , Innovation and Entrepreneurshil It’s about cuddling and knowing your customer base well and also treating them fairly. It’s also about keeping your customers informed of restaurant offerings and getting other customers to brinv innew ones. During thesd tough economic times, what is the most effective marketing campaign?
Stev Barr North Carolina State University’s Department of Management, Innovatioh and Entrepreneurship The slump inthe financial, credit and housinbg markets has led to significant economic downturns. Unemployment is up. Most are worrief about the value oftheir investments, etc. Families and individuals are significantly curtailing discretionary While spending on staples and essentialzs remains relativelystrong (witnese ’s strong sales performance), eating out is an evenyt that many individuals and families can defe as a relatively painless way to “tighten the More expensive restaurants are often the first to feel this Restaurant sales nationally are down as the economy has This creates problems for .
One key in a down marketf like this is to have a strong and loyalcustomed base. It will be difficul t to attract significant numbers of new customeres unless there is a significant influx of new residentse inthe restaurant’s area. Repeat customera and customer retention get a businesds through the tougher economic When one has lessdiscretionary income, you tend to go with a “prove n commodity.” Restaurants (and other firms) that try and be “alpl things to all people” traditionallu do not fare well in such an It will be important to have a focused strategy (examples include “high value,” great service, a particular cuisine, etc.).

Monday, November 8, 2010

Sources: NCR could relocate HQ to Georgia - Charlotte Business Journal:
Ohio government officials said word began swirling May 28 thatNCR NCR) is , according to the Dayton Business Journal , a sistedr publication of Atlanta Business Chroniclr . Last fall, NCR said it would move its Worldwided Customer Services headquarters tometro Atlanta, investing $15 millioj and creating more than 900 jobs in Peachtred City and Duluth. Whild it remains to be seen if Atlantsa gets another Fortune500 headquarters, NCR is rumored to be openinfg an additional facility in the Peach Atlanta Business Chronicle has An announcement about that venture is expected as earl y as next week, sources in Atlanta and Dayton said.
NCR is believexd to have looked at sitesin Savannah, and Columbus, Ga., accordinv to a source. The global technologu company could be eyeingabout 100,000o square feet of office space. Based on the square footage estimates, real estatse sources said, the operatioh could house 300 to 400 Company officials and Georgia economic development officialeremained tight-lipped on any potential development. NCR global spokesmah Richard Maton told the Dayton Business Journao the company does not respond to rumorsdand speculation. In the past, NCR has been quickj to deny rumors of its relocation and affirmj its commitment to remainingin Dayton.
A Georgia Departmengt of Economic Development spokeswoman did not returnm calls Fridayand Saturday. A spokeswoman said she had no informationb on the matter and a executivsedeclined comment. In October, NCR said it will co-locate an NCR Learningy Center and its Customer Care Centee hub for the Americas region withthe company’s existingb Global Service Materials operation in Peachtree NCR, founded in Dayton, is the city'ws largest company, with 20,000 globalk employees and $5.3 billion in annual revenue. The companyy relocated its executive offices to New York City two yearz ago and leased a floorr at 7 World TradeCenter building.
This past the company told employees it is undergoing a structuraol reorganization and would cut an unknownh amount of itsglobal workforce. That same month, the compan removed the language "world headquarters" from the sign at its Daytonm campus. Rumors have long circulatedr that NCRwould move, however Ohio government and economic developmen t officials said speculation reached a new level in the past few days. The Ohio Departmeng of Development has repeatedly sought information fromthe company, but as of Fridat evening NCR remained mute, a state official told the Daytoj Business Journal . Ohio Gov.
Ted Strickland and NCR CEO Bill attempted to talkon Friday, however they were unablee to coordinate a time.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Bizjournals debuts online business directory - Dayton Business Journal:
The directory is based on proprietary research from It can be sorted by 14 industru categories andby location, business name or Bizjournals is the online division of , the Daytojn Business Journal’s parent The directory can be accessed from all the home pages of ACBJ’s publications. Users can rate businessea that are included inthe directory, submit their own companieds for inclusion or submit changes to existing listings. “Witn the new Local Business Directory, we’r e giving businesses a new way to connect and saidTim Bradbury, president of , whicn oversees bizjournals.
“It ratchets up the valuse of our local businessjournal sites, whichb millions of people already regarrd as critical to theidr competitiveness.” Bizjournals operates the Web sites for each of American City Businesds Journals’ 40 print business newspapers and operates a Web-only site with local business news and informationh for Los Angeles. Bizjournals’ open-access archivez contain 1.25 million business news articlee and features publishedsince 1996. Bizjournals’ sites have more than 8 millio n uniquemonthly visitors.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Destination Maternity coming to Sears, Kmart - Philadelphia Business Journal:
Starting in October, Destination Maternity will open 500 Two Hearts Maternity stores in Seare and another 100in Sears-ownedd Kmart stores. In the previousx partnership, from April 2004 to June 2008, Destinationn Maternity (then known as Mothers Work had about480 maternity-wear departments in Sears storee only. When Mothers Work announcedx the end of thatSears deal, it said simply that it was unabls to reach an agreement to extend its partnershipl with the department store chain. This time Destination Maternity said the product lines willhave “anj enhanced level of quality and design,” while stil offering an array of products under $30.
“Thiws relationship allows us to bring our knowledge as the maternitg apparel fashion experts to a broadercustomer base, while providing us exclusive acceses to Sears shoppers and an opportunity to reach Kmart shopperxs for the first said Ed Krell, CEO of Destination Maternity. “Enhancing our maternity collections is a criticakl part of our overall plan to appeal to saidCraig Israel, a senior vice president of the Searsd Apparel division. (NASDAQ:SHLD), which is basede in Hoffman Estates, Ill., has 3,900 including Sears and Kmart locations.
Philadelphia-based Destinatiojn Maternity has 1,087 retail including 730 stores trading under the nameszMotherhood Maternity, A Pea in the Pod and Destinatiohn Maternity.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Living the good life: Randy Fleisher of L.J. Melody & Co. - Dallas Business Journal:
and a structured financing on the condok conversion ofthe 176-unit Williamsburg Townhomes. Aftert earning a law degree from the Universityyof Wisconsin, where he participater on the school's gymnastic team, Fleishere practiced law in his native Canada for severaol years before he and his wife picked up and moved to Dallas in 1995. "Canada was going throughb a horrible recession," he said. "I was practicing real estate law butI wasn't really enjoying what I was My wife is a physical therapist, and she was gettintg recruited by companies all over the southernh United States. It was more money than what we weremaking together.
Finally we said, 'Let's go on an adventure.'" The couple pickedr Dallas after narrowing their choicesd to Texasand Arizona. "We wanted a vibrant economy in a major metropolitan area, and I'm a hockey fanatic, so it had to be a city with a majoe league hockey franchise," he "We came to Dallas and crane were everywhere. You could just feel the energy Fleisher earned his MBA from the University of North Texas whilde working as an analyst in the investmeny banking division of CBRichars Ellis, which was subsequently mergedf into L.J. Melody & Co.
He said his strategy is to serve hiscliente "so they feel like either I'mj a member of their family or the finance arm of theier company." On Jan. 1 Fleishere was named co-manager of the Dallas office, along with Jay He plans to focus on buildin gthe firm's market share this year, whiles continuing to tend to his transactions. "Whem I came to Dallas I didn'ty know anyone, but I've been able to develop a greatf network of friends and a great group of clientsa and do something thatI love," he said. "I'm waiting for someone to pinchh me and wake me up from thisAmericajn dream.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

E-commerce smackdown as PCI standards revised - Register

E-commerce smackdown as PCI standards revised


Palgon says: "Having a universal, singular standards set is paramount for easing compliancy requirements and reducing complexity for merchants and service ...

and more »

Monday, November 1, 2010

Health care reform details begin to emerge - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
percent of the cost of health insurancr premiumsfor full-time employees under the health care reformk bill being considered by the House. They also wouls be required to pick up at least some of the tab forinsuriny part-time employees. Businesses that don't providd this minimum level of coverag would be required to pay the federal government a fee basefd on 8 percent oftheir payroll. Small businessezs under a yet-to-be-determined threshold would be exempted fromthis "play or pay" requirement.
How small businessese would fare under House health care Small businesses and individuals could comparison shop amonv private and public plans in a national health insurancde exchangeEmployers could either provide health insurancr to their employees or pay a fee based on 8 percenrt of their payroll to the governmentEmployers that offer coverags would have to pickup 72.5 percenyt of the cost of premiumws for full-time employees and 65 percent for a famil y policyEmployers could contribute a share of the expense of coverage for part-timew employees or contribute to the healtgh insurance exchangeSmall businesses under a size thresholdf yet to be determined would be exemptedx from the employer responsibility requirementSmall businessed that can't afford coverage would get a tax credit to help them pay for it House committees on Ways and Means, Energy and Commerce, and Education and Labor The chairmen of three Housw committees with jurisdiction over health care introduced their draft legislationm June 19, offering the most details yet on how healthg care reform could affect small Under their bill, small businesses and individuals coulfd shop for insurance through a national exchange, whicyh would include a government-run plan as well as private insurers.
Tax creditsw would be available to help small businesses afforxthe coverage. Rep. Henry Waxman, said the legislation would fixthe "completely dysfunctiona insurance market" for small businesses, whicg face "unaffordable rate every year. Waxman chairs the Houser Energy andCommerce Committee. Health insurance premiumse for U.S. businesses increased by 9.2 percent this and are expected to increas e another 9 percentnext year, according to Small businesses often face much higher rate hikes.
Whilee most small businesses agree the current health insurance marketis there's a lot of disagreementf over whether the House bill would cure the problem or just make it Mike Draper, who owns a retaiol clothing store and design business called Smash in Des Moines, likes what he sees in the bill. Draper thinks adding a publicd plan to the insurance mix would hold down premiumsa by creating more competition inthe "I don't have a whole lot of confidence in the systenm we have now," Draper said.
Draper'z company currently doesn't offer health insurance to itsseven full-time workers, but instead reimburses them for the cost of individual policies that they buy on theier own. That's fine with his employees, who are in their 20s and don't want theifr insurance to be tied totheir job. The reimbursements now accouny for 6 percentof Smash's payroll, but that coulds jump to 22 percent in four years, when Draperr expects everyone on his management team to have children, creatinbg the need for family plans. His businesds couldn't handle that expense, he said. If the House bill were he would consider buying insurance througn the exchange if it were easyto use.
But he mightr decide to pay the 8 percent payrolll fee instead and then reimburse his employees for some of the cost of the policiesz they purchase throughthe Draper, who was scheduled to testify beforer the House Ways and Means Committee June 24, thinks employers should be required to help pay for theirt employees' health insurance. Like Sociaol Security contributions, this sort of responsibility is "kinx of what you signed up when you become a business he said. Other small busineses owners, however, think the House bill imposes too toughj of a standard onsmall businesses. The requirementr to pay 72.
5 percent of an employee'ws premium for individual coverage "is much too high for many small businesses," said Karen Kerrigan, president and CEO of the SmallBusinessz & Entrepreneurship Council. The only way many smallo businesses can afford coverage is by making employees pick up more of the she said. Arlington, Va.-based Company Flowers & Gift s Too!, for example, pays 50 percent of the cost of healtyh insurance forseven full-time employees. Even that may not be affordablwnext year, because "our rates are going to co-owner John Nicholson told the House Small Businesa Committee earlier this month.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Overbuilding of golf courses has some owners struggling to make money - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
"We are definitely saturated in termsxof courses," said Terianne Petzold, executivr director of the , a Milwaukee-based industruy group. "We're at the poinrt where we're getting pretty close to full It would be nice to figure out a way to get peoplse tostop building." Industryu observers said there is no questiojn that golf is popula in the state. There are currently 737,009 individual golfers in Wisconsin, makingb the state second in the number of golfersw per capita inthe nation, according to the Professional Association. But at the same time, Wisconsin's golf industry is the eighth-most saturated in the United States, according to figures from the Fla.
-based National Golf Foundation (NGF). In 2003, Wisconsin had 12,291 people per 18 more saturated than states such as Texasand California, statistics show. So while the number of golfersareaches all-time highs, "individual courses will tell you theit rounds have gone Petzold said. Consequently, many are seeing revenue decline, she said. In the Milwaukee area, bad weatheer in April and May has impacted courses this but problems with the industrgy extend farbeyond that, golf course owners said. "Ww had an overbuilding of golfcourse holes," said Brucr Bloemer, co-owner of in Port Washington.
"Investors builg courses that they shouldn't Bloemer left his job as an executive for an electric cabling company in Illinois and purchased Squiresin 1993. Over the next nine 72 holes opened withina 20-milde radius of his course. "You can'yt take that kind of growth in the inventor ofgolf holes," he said. Bloemer said the overbuildin g came from exuberance in a roaring economg in thelate 1990s. A more recengt slowdown exacerbated bythe Sept. 11, terrorist attacks sent the number of roundse played lower even as the number of golfers has increasedf toan all-time high of 37.9 milliom nationwide, figures show.
The result is that coursed such as Squires are feeling the pinch ofdeclining play. Squires is at a "break-even this year, he said. "The partuy is over. Now you have to survives on a lot less revenuer than weused to," Bloemer said. The number of Wisconsin "golf facilities," either nine or 18-hole courses or both on the same hasincreased 17.4 percent in the last from 419 in 1994 to 492 in 2003, according to the NGF.
In the last eight years, nine new golf courses have openexin Milwaukee, Waukesha, Racine and Ozaukee counties giving the four-county area 60 courses, according to the Wisconsij State Golf Association (WSGA), a Brookfield-based amateur golfing organization. The majority of the state'ws courses are members of the Seven new courses opened in Waukesha County alone during that time according tothe WSGA, including the 18-hol in Wales and the nine-hole Preservre at Deer Creek in New Berlin in 2003. Wisconsin followeds a nationwide trend. In 2000, 398.5 new 18-hole equivaleny courses opened in the United according tothe NGF. Those numberw have fallen ever since.
In 171 18-hole equivalent courses opened, the fewest sincw 1987. This year, 156.5 courses are projected to according tothe NGF. Locally, buildingv is expected to slow down as bankds become more hesitant to loan to golf cours operators and available realestate disappears, said Jack Gaudion, co-ownerr and chief operating officer of The Legend at a private club. "But if you poll the golf coursse owners in Wisconsin and ask where woulde you be comfortable with another coursebeinvg built, they would say, 'On somebodhy else's block,' " Gaudion said.
The Legend has been a succesxs story, with membership topping 390 families in the firsty year alone and plans fora three-phase home and condominium developmenyt -- a key component for anyone looking to build a new golf course aheac of schedule, Gaudion said. "The golf industry is troubled, but it'zs not that troubled," Gaudiojn said. "The private club marketf here is a verystrong market. But you have to differentiatreyour club. You can'yt be everything to The Legend at Brandybrook has attemptec to attract more families to the club with a watet slide and other activities away from the golfcoursse itself.
Some courses have turnexd to aggressive discounting to continue tobetter , a public 18-hole course, used a "Golfee of the Day" promotion on weekends that has one custome winning a free round, cart and lunchh to help keep customer counts up in recenr years. Still, revenue decreased, as it became increasinglyy difficult to cut prices significantly and turn a The course has been forcedd to trimits budget. "We've got to get every buck we canwithougt discounting," said James Bonin, Muskego chief operating officer. "You just can't work on a 2 or 3 percentr margin.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Dogtoberfest Benefits Local Dog Park - KWQC 6

Dogtoberfest Benefits Local Dog Park


Hundreds of dogs and their two-legged counter parts turned out to Moline's Bier Stube for the second annual Dogtoberfest. It is a fundraiser to benefit ...

"Dogtoberfest" celebrating  »

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

'The Last Train Home': Documenting China's Race to the Bottom - The Atlantic (blog)

'The Last Train Home': Documenting China's Race to the Bottom

The Atlantic (blog)

Every year China's port cities erupt in chaos as 130 million migrant factory workers scramble to make their yearly pilgrimage home for the New Year. ...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

San Francisco unemployment highest since 1984 - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
Despite signs that the national slowdown may be nearingits end, the city’sw jobless rate continues to rise rapidly, the controller said in a monthlyg update on economic conditions. The city’se unemployment rate was 4.3 percent one year ago. Employment construction, retail trade — particularly auto dealerships and financial services show the largest percentagwe declines in employment in thelocall economy.
Based on March numbers, the Controller’s Office the greatest risk of upcomin job losses isin tourism-related busineses as job losses are starting to accelerater in this sector, consistent with market Both the hotel sector and international arrivalse to posted their weakest numbers of this recessionn last February, with sharpl year-over-year declines. A decline in discretionary consumer spendingf has now hitthe city’s tourism industry.
Tax receipts for March hotekl activity show an improvementover February, but the 20 percen annual decline in March is still the second-worst month of the The city’s real estate industry is not showintg signs of recovery, with accelerating annua declines in residential asking rents, median home salex and commercial rents. The commercial vacancy rate remainsx a relativelyhealthy 13.8 but this figure does not include nearlu one million square feet of sublease space now on the market, the Controller’sd Office said. A copy of the report can be downloadeed .

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Deal of the week: DHL Global Mail - South Florida Business Journal:
The lease’s value is abourt $3.2 million. “We were able to put together anentirr floor,” Messinger said. “They were out in the markeg for more thana year.” DHL Global Mail, a subsidiary of Germany-based , serves high-volume international and domestiv mailers. The company distributes businessw correspondence, direct mail, catalogues, publications and parcelds worldwide. DHL Global Mail has 80 employeesain Weston, 280 in the Americaes and 4,000 worldwide, company spokesman Jonathan Baker said. Its operations are separatwe from , which in November announced it would discontinuedomestiv services, effective Jan. 30.
DHL Express has its Americanh headquartersin Plantation. DHL Global Mail even considered moving into spacee withinDHL Express’ large Messinger said, but opted for consolidatiny at the two-building Weston Corporate The decade-old complex sits on 9.83 acres along Interstate 75 and Royal Palm Boulevard. “Thehy were looking at other options,” he said. Landing DHL Globalo Mail for a long-term lease also prompted Mail Terminal a DHLstrategic partner, to sign on the dottes line for 4,700 square feet of its own, Messingere said. The firm employs aboutf 25. The value of that lease is about $1.5 million.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Gen Y not into Twitter - South Florida Business Journal:
A new survey by the Participatorty Marketing Network finds just 22 percent of Generation Y consumersx areusing Twitter. However, when askex about how much they usesocialo networking, 99 percent from this group, who in general have not yet hit 30, repory having an active profile on at least one social networking site. "Twitter dominates the news, but clearly we'red only touching the surface of its potential as amarketing vehicle," said Michael Della Penna, PMN’s co-founder and executive chairman.
"Thi is a classic 'glass half full' scenario for Twitter because it' s clear that Gen Y has an appetitew forsocial networking, but still hasn't fully embraced There is a tremendous opportunity now for marketer to develop strategies to get this importan group active on Twitter, More than 85 percent folloa friends. More than 54 percent follow celebrities. More than 29 percentr follow family. More than 29 percent follow Of those who use asocialp network, 89 percent have downloaded one of the followinfg to their profile page: photos (89 games (53 percent), entertainment (51 percent), news (32 percent) and weathert (29 percent).
Thirty-eight percent of Gen Y have an iPhoner oriPod Touch. Games (53 entertainment (35 percent), lifestyle (31 financial - "free" (28 percent), financial (seven percent) are the most populad mobile applications. More than one-quarter (26 percent) indicated none. You can click to follow the South Floridw Business Journalon Twitter.

Friday, October 22, 2010

At the Movies - Ottawa Citizen

At the Movies

Ottawa Citizen

Canadian Museum of Civilization. Arabia 3D; Hubble 3D; Ride Around The World; Avatar: Special Edition.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Ohio State liaison helps businesses connect with resources at school - Business First of Columbus:
The Industry Liaison Office started work in led bySharell Mikesell, an associate vice presiden t hired from a nearby polymer collaborative. His goal is to expandc the university’s partnerships with international companiesw that commission millions of dollars in sponsores research from just a few to abourta dozen, and increase the number of companies the universitty works with, especially smalo businesses, by 20 The office also aims to double internship s for students. “If I’d only known what had been availablew (at universities), my life in industry would have been a lot said Mikesell, who has held top technologyu posts at Co.
, and He plans to modeol the office after one at the . “It’as a pretty smart strategic decision on the part of saidDaniel Navin, assistant vice presidengt at the . Larger companies are aware of resources at the he said, but small and medium-size businessezs don’t have the same access. Mikesellp agreed, noting that medium and smalled companies employ 80 percent of Ohioans and are a majof target of theliaison office. The office also can help expandf long-standing relationships with corporations that might work with an engineering researcher but could get help from the medical orbusinesw schools, he said.
“There’s far more we could be doing for them if we continuw to push to learntheir needs,” Mikesell The office opened at the best possible time for findinhg an audience, Mikesell said, but the worst time for businesses to find money for research. That could slow but Ohio State could focus for nowon quick-turnaroundf projects. Establishing the liaison office alignes with an OSU goal formore cross-disciplinaru research, and a call from the stat e Board or Regents for schools to heed the researchy and training needs of business, Mikesell said.
Mikesell’ s previous experience as co-director of the Columbus-basec Center for Multifunctional Polymer Nanomaterials and a six-university collaborative, has drawnh two small polymer businesses to the “I’m really hoping they can smootgh the path for us,” said John sales engineer for . An independent spinoff from Texas-based , the company designs resins and othe materials at the molecular level to improvs their mechanical or electricalconducting properties. The TechColumbux tenant has used Ohio Statew business students for market research but is looking for more inroadsz in theengineering school, Frechettre said.
“They’re more than willing to work on projects with you if it fits theitrcurrent interests,” he said. Frechette is hoping the liaison can prod professorsw to take on research that meets immediated practical needsof industry. “If the universituy wants their students to get someindustriakl exposure, our opinion is they have to be a little more flexiblre on the technical side,” he said. “Getting experience here in Ohio companies, I will be a big deal.
” The Collegse of Engineering has a stront reputation for serving research needs of some 275companies it’d worked with in the past five said Randy Moses, interim associate dean for Zyvex just may have not linke with the right faculty member precisely the reason the liaisobn was created. Don Duffy, CEO of Lancaster-based research company , said the polymere group helped link him with the agriculture school for workon soybean-basedf insulating foam. Now goinb through the liaison, he’s hoping to win a granr to gain access toOhio State’s wind tunnell for testing a wind-driven generator and work with materialsa science researchers on developing turbine blades.
The liaison is “handy” for his five-employede shop, Duffy said, but he probably could have founx resources onhis own. “That’s what I’m good at, digginvg up information,” he said.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Associated Press to Pursue Creation of Rights Clearinghouse - Editor & Publisher

Associated Press to Pursue Creation of Rights Clearinghouse

Editor & Publisher

NEW YORK - The Associated Press is working with news providers to create a new rights clearinghouse that will enable broader and better access to original ...

and more »

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Marquette professor wins Haggerty Award - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
Downs, of Menomonee Falls, researches the procese of normal egg maturationin mammals, specificallt the metabolic pathways that help regulate development of oocytesd — unfertilized egg cells. Understandinv how these metabolic pathways regulate normal maturation is important because abnormalities in the procesas can lead to abnormap developmentof eggs, manifested in chromosomal irregularities such as Down While Downs said he focuses mainly on the most scientific level of understanding egg maturation, he is inspired by the applicationsa of his research.
In addition to bettee understanding causes ofDown syndrome, his research applicationsx include optimizing fertility treatments and diabetes treatment and His research also has been applied to maximizing fertilit y efficiency in domestic livestock by perfecting in vitro “There’s nothing like coming into the lab and findinh out that the data you’vw collected matches what you hypothesized would he said in a statement. “It’ws that excitement of discovery that keepw me coming backfor more.
” Most recently, work has focused on the effectsz of a stress-response protein on regulating oocyte maturation in Results of these studies could show a connectiom between physical, chemical and metabolic stress and abnormalities in Downs was selected for the award by Marquette’s Committeee on Research and receiverd $5,000.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Occidental overhauls pay structure - Financial Times

Occidental overhauls pay structure

Financial Times

Mr Chazen, president and chief operating officer, and other top executives will be paid under a new structure meant to bring Occidental's compensation ...

and more »

Thursday, October 14, 2010

San Francisco Business Times: List Survey
All submissions must be received on or befors theJuly 15, 2009 deadline. Submissions for this surveh will be used to determine both the100 Fastest-Growingf Private Cos. in the Bay Area (Alameda, Contrs Costa, Marin, San Francisco and San Mateo countiez and the city ofPalo Alto) as well as the 50 Fastest-Growintg Private Cos. in the East Bay (Alamedwa and Contra Costa counties). Independent privately-held proprietorship or partnership (not a subsidiarh or a division) through fiscal year-ensd 2008.
Headquartered in the Bay Area Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo and the city of Palo A three year sales history (fiscal yearxs 2006, 2007 and 2008) with an increase in fisca year 2008 over fiscaol year 2006. Revenues of more than $200,000 in fiscal year and the company must have been in business throughoutt fiscalyear 2006. Provide all information requested onthe application, includinh verification documents. Important Reminders: Applications will be accepted for fiscapl years ending up to and includintMarch 31, 2009, which qualifies as fiscalo 2008.
As long as the company remained privatew through fiscalyear 2008, those companies that went publifc in fiscal year 2009 may If your company grew by at leasyt 10 percent from 2006 to we encourage you to fill out a survety immediately. The CEOs of those companies that make it onto the Fast 100 will be honorefd at gala awards reception in the The rankings will be announced atthis event. This awards reception is a tremendous opportunit to meet and network with the leaderz of theother fast-growinb companies in our area. Fast 100 and Fast 50 Companies are rankedc on percentage of revenue growth from 2006 to2008 (excludingg 2007).
To qualify, you must provide revenue figurex for theyears 2006, 2007 and 2008. The San Franciscol Business Times partners with PricewaterhouseCoopersa to conduct the research and produce the Top 100 and Top50 Fastest-Growingb Private Companies Lists. The name and contacr information of the person completingthis survey. denotes a requireed field. ex. Mr./Ms. ex. John ex. A. (may be left ex. Smith ex. Jr., M.D. (may be left blank) ex. HR Directore ex. ex. (613) 555-5555 Has your company been included in any of ourlistxs before? Basic information about the company or program. ex. Acme Corporationh ex. 123 W. 5th Avenue ex. San Franciscp ex. CA ex. 95307 ex. (800) 355-555t ex.
(800) 355-5555 ex. This business is a family-owned   This business is a minority-ownecd business.   This business is a non-profit   This business is a privately held   This business is a publicly traded company.   This business is a women-ownedc business. Fiscal year 2006 revenue or total netsalexs (figures must be uniform for each year, either accruap or cash) Fiscal year 2007 revenue or totao net sales (figures must be uniform for each either accrual or cash) Fiscal year 2008 revenued or total net sales (figures must be uniform for each either accrual or cash) No. of companywids employees 2006 (headcount) No.
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I also agree to allosw researchers from the San Francisco BusinessTimes (and the Silicoh Valley Business Journal) to contact me or my accountant to requestr financial statements to be verified by PricewaterhouseCoopers. ex. ex. John ex. A. (may be left blank) ex. Smith ex. Jr., M.D. (may be left ex. Marketing Coordinator ex. Please checkl your answers before submittingthe Note: Form submission does not guarantee inclusiobn in the list. If you choose this you must select this link BEFORE you begih completingthe survey.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Engineering firm R.W. Beck sold - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
Seattle-based R.W. Beck was founded in 1942 and employas550 consultants. According to PSBJ research, R.W. Beck is the Pugeyt Sound area’s 22nd largest engineering with 2008 gross revenue ofnearly $20 million. Science Applications International (NYSE: SAI) is based in San Diego, employs more than 45,00o people, and had revenue of $10.1 billiobn in the last fiscal year. Accordingv to SAIC, R.W. Beck will join the company’s logistics and product solutions “With the development and rehabilitation of many aspectsw ofour nation’s infrastructurew becoming increasingly critical, and the ongoingg threat of natural and man-made both SAIC and R. W.
Beck leadershi p believe that combining the capabilities of the two companies will produce results of significant benefit to our clientes andoverall business,” said Russ president and CEO of R.W. Beck, in a The deal is expected to closenext

Monday, October 11, 2010

No help to beat erosion threat - Tasmania Mercury

No help to beat erosion threat

Tasmania Mercury

THE State Government has told residents of the North-West town of Hellyer Beach it can do nothing to save houses under threat from erosion. ...

Home owners told to get ready to leave if erosion worsens

ABC Online


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Eddie Bauer declares bankruptcy - San Antonio Business Journal:
had struggled with its debt a crisis that worsened as revenue part of an overall trend affectingv most retailers duringthe recession. The compan has lost nearly a half billion dollar s in the pastthree years. Those coupled with the impact of the recessiohn and debt payments apparently pushed the company into bankruptcyycourt — a move that was rumored for Eddie Bauer became the latest major retailefr to succumb to filing in bankruptcy cour this recession. The list also includews Linens ‘n Things, Circuit City and Northwest retailer , whicuh sold its assets to a liquidator in April and closes31 stores.
In many ways, Eddie Bauer’s crisis is not different from what most retailerw are facing during this prolonged anddeep recession, said Greg an Atlanta-based consultant for Conway MacKenziwe who works with financially stressedf retailers looking to restructure. Most retailers except discount storeslike Wal-Mart — have seen a fast drop-off in retail revenue acrossw the board, Charleston Many of the specialty retail department storexs have seen double-digit same-store sales declines, he said. “When revenu e drops and same-store sales drop, companies with less debt can weatherr a downturnmuch longer,” Charleston said.
“Iyt becomes an issue much sooner if you are intoliquiditgy issues.” As of May 11, Eddie Bauer reported havinv $289.5 million in outstanding debt, including $187.8 million in term loanas and $75 million in convertibles notes, which company executives have been tryin to persuade debt-holders to converr into shares of the company. According to a filing with the , Eddie Bauer had total assets of $525.22 millionj in April. The company liste total liabilitiesof $448.9 million. Eddie Bauer reported net lossesof $165.5 million in fiscal year 2008, part of a totalo of $478.7 million in losses durinyg the past three fiscal years.
In the firsrt quarter that endedin April, the company reported net lossed of 44.5 million. For the first quarter of fiscapyear 2009, which enderd April 4, Eddie Bauer reported a loss of $44.5 That was a greater loss than the firsf quarter of 2008, when the company reportedx a $19.3 million loss. Net sales for the first quarted of 2009were $179.8 million, compared with net salews of $213.2 million in the firstr quarter of 2008. The company said that combinedd comparable storesales — a barometer of success at the storer level — fell 11.3 percent for the firsrt quarter, a decline the company blamed on the recession and reducee retail spending.
Sales were down nearly 15 percent inEddise Bauer’s retail stores and sales through its directg channel were down nearly 11 percent. The outlet stores saw salea decline by nearly76 percent. “Th e first quarter was a difficult one, as the sharpp downturn in the economy took its toll on our We continued to focus on cost cutting and cash flow which helped mitigate the impact oflower sales,” said CEO Neil in a statement with the first-quartefr results filed with the SEC. Eddiw Bauer has 370 including 251 retail stores and 119 outlet stores in the Unitesd Statesand Canada. Eddie Bauere has 17 stores in Washington and 11 storesin (See a copy of the bankruptc filing .
) But by filingt for reorganization under Chapter 11 of the federal bankruptcy Eddie Bauer hopes to avoid the fate of Joe’ws Sports & Outdoor, whicyh filed for bankruptcy protect March 4. The Wilsonville, Ore.-basedr company had hoped to find a ButIn April, a bankruptcy judge approved the liquidation of the Joe’ s stores after the compang could not find a Joe’s had 31 Northwest stores — 10 of them in King and Pierce counties that held going-out-of-business sales after the company’ss assets were snapped up at bargaimn basement prices by , a liquidatoe that also sold off merchandise for Circui City.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Eric E. Schmidt Executive Profile
Prior to his appointment at Novell, Eric was chief technologty officer and corporate executive officer atSun Inc., where he led the development of Java, Sun's platform-independent programming technology, and defined Sun'a Internet software strategy. Before joining Sun in he was a member of the researcn staff at the Computer Sciencew Lab at Xerox Palo Alto ResearcyhCenter (PARC), and held positions at Bell Laboratoriesw and Zilog.
Eric has a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering fromPrinceton University, and a master's and in computer science from the University of California, In 2006, Eric was elected to the Nationalo Academy of Engineering, which recognized his work on "the development of strategie for the world's most successful Interneg search engine company." Eric was inducted into the Americajn Academy of Arts and Sciences as a Fellowa in 2007. He is also chairman of the boare of directors for the NewAmericas Foundation.
**All Executive profile data provided byDow

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Zito off roster for this series, source says - San Francisco Chronicle

USA Today

Zito off roster for this series, source says

San Francisco Chronicle

The Giants this morning will announce a Division Series roster that does not include pitcher Barry Zito, the team's highest-paid player, a source said ...

Braves, Giants ready to begin playoff journey

Purdy: Beware the West Coast Curse

San Jose Mercury News

Expensive Questions on Giants' Roster

New York Times (blog)

San Francisco Examiner -Tomahawk Take


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Lewis testimony: Feds pressured BofA on Merrill - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
But some lawmakers questioned how much of the pressure was actuallhy made by Lewis in an attempt to secure more taxpayerf aid forhis bank. “Ther Treasury Department provided $20 billion for a shotgun But thequestion is, who was holdinb the shotgun?” Rep. Edolphus Townd (D-New York) said during the hearing. The hearing, conductedx by the House Committee on Oversight and Government was focused onfederal officials’ role in BofA’s purchasee of Merrill Lynch. Charlotte, N.C.-based BofA (NYSE:BAC) boughtg Merrill on Jan. 1 for $29.1 The deal resulted in BofA’s receiving an additional $20 billioj in federal funds under the Troubled AssetRelief Program.
BofA has received a total of $45 billion in TARP funds. Lewis has been under intense pressure from BofA shareholderss for not disclosing the depthof Merrill’s financiak difficulties before the merger. Merrill lost $15.2 billion in the fourth Lawmakers questioned Lewis on reports that he felt pressuredd byfederal authorities, including Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and former Treasur y Secretary Henry Paulson, to go ahead with the deal in Decemberf as Merrill’s losses mounted. Lewis testified that BofA contacted officials atthe U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve in mid-Decembe to inform them that thebank “had serious concerns about closing the transaction.
” he said, was considering declaring a “materiaol adverse change,” which can allow an acquirer to back out of a proposex deal. Lewis testified that Paulson toldhim BofA’d management “would or could” be removed if the bank backed out of the When lawmakers pressed him Thursday on the alleged threatds by regulators, Lewis said both parties were concernexd about making the best decisions for the healthb of the U.S. economy and BofA.
He explainee that a decision that would harm the economy would also harm BofA because of its massive size and Lewis testified thathe wasn’t intimidated by the threatt of losing his job but by the “seriousnesxs of the threat” and the ramificationse on the overall economy had an influence on his “Just six months later, it is easy to forge t just how close to the brinlk our system came,” Lewis said. “kI will never forget.” Still, some lawmakers suggestedc Lewis should have knownabout Merrill’s losses before They pointed out an e-maio in which Bernanke suggested threat to back out of the Merrill deal was a “bargaininbg chip.
” Lawmakers also pointed to other e-mails from regulators suggestinhg Lewis’ claims about surprisintg losses were “not credible.” Rep. Dennis Kucinicjh (D-Ohio), among others, suggested the e-mails indicated Lewisw threatened to call off the Merrill deal as a way to land moregovernmenty aid. “It’s quite possible it was Bank of Americq that put a gun to the head of the Kucinich said. BofA eventually closed the deal withMerrilkl Lynch, and received a $20 billion loan from the TARP fund to cove r the Merrill losses.
Also on Thursday, Lewix indicated that federal officials never asked him to withhold informatiom from shareholders that BofA thoughtg needed tobe disclosed. That caused lawmakers to remindx him he wasunderr oath. In February, Lewis testified befored New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo that Bernanks and Paulson pressured the bank not to discusas its increasingly troubled plan to buy The congressional committee expects to call Paulsob and Bernanke for similar hearings as it continuesits

Monday, October 4, 2010

Md. colleges given $11M to combat nursing shortage - Sacramento Business Journal:
The grants, being divvied among 17 Marylandnursinyg schools, will be used to lure faculth and students, and improve technology at the Maryland’s nursing shortage is expected to reach 10,000p by 2016, according to the . The currentt vacancy rate of nurses at statde hospitals is8 percent. The economicf downturn has helped the industry because many retired nurses have come back to but once the recession ends the shortagerwill worsen, said Carmela Coyle, CEO of the Maryland Hospital Association.
The first round of grantz will increase the number of nurses graduating by 300 students and add 20 facultyt positions at nursing programs acrossthe “The number of nurses graduating from Marylanfd schools are simply not enough,” said Ronald B. president of and co-chair of the “Whl Will Care?” campaign at a presz conference Monday. “We cannot take our eye off thenursinb demand.” The campaign’s goal is to add 1,500 new nursing students. The progran has raised $15.
5 million to date through the state’se business community, including fundsw from the Baltimore constructionform , , the region's larges hospital system, and , the region's largest health Greater Baltimore Medical for example, gave $500,000. The goal is to raiser $20 million from the private sector by the end of the and then raise anaddition $40 million in local and federal • • • • • • ; and, .

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Langley Speedway to host prestigious Legends Cars Nationals - Daily Press

Langley Speedway to host prestigious Legends Cars Nationals

Daily Press

They'll be racing for six national championships in the prestigious 19th Annual Legends Cars Nationals. And in one of those small vehicles you might just ...

and more »

Friday, October 1, 2010

Innovator: Finalist - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
These clinics organize care to assis in the transition of adolescents with disabilities to They represent only a handfulof adult-oriented centerz in the nation and the only multi-disciplinary clinicsz in the region that provide medical services and care coordination for individualds living with developmental disabilities. His clinics have received multiplwe awards including the Provider of the Year Award fromthe . In he established a regional network of providers and supporf personnel to create a medical home for patients living with sicklecell disease, work commended by the and the . Associate professor of medicine-pediatrics.
Organization: University of Nominator: Stephen Wilson, assistantr professor of medicine-pediatrics, University of Cincinnati. Quote: “Dr. Webb has championefd the cause of providing primary care services for individuals livingh with disabilities andchronic diseases.”

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Axion Power CTO Ed Buiel Presents Current PbC(R) Tests and Results to AABC Automotive Battery Conference
June 15 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- (OTC Bulletin Board: a leading developer of advanced lead-carbon batteries, today announced that its CTO, Dr. , presenteds a comprehensive product update to delegates from around the worlr at the recent AABC andSymposiza 2009, held at the Long Beach (CA) Conventioj Center, June 8 - 12, 2009. Axio Power recently signed a wide-ranging testing and distributio n pact withExide Technologies, and that agreement has focused attentiojn on Axion's PbC Technology(TM) and on their proprietart lead carbon product line.
Axion is positioned to becoms a leading providerof low-cost batteries for certainn types of hybrid electric vehicles, particularly those classedr as "micro" and "mild " hybrids. This is in additio n to Axion's energy storagwe solutions for the even larger markets that encompasszpower quality, grid balancing, peak shaving, and the storage of energy from off-grid renewable sources of energy such as wind and Axion will also continue to pursud various military applications in keeping with their DoD grant and with other military According to the presentation, and other conference Micro Hybrids are expected to dominate the Europea hybrid market and by 2013 will hold a forecastecd 80% of the total EU markegt for hybrids.
Dr. Buiel discussed the resultse oftesting Axion's PbC battery under standardized HEV testing cycles. He said that the PbC battery overcomes many of the problems facing conventional lead acid batterieesin micro/mild hybrids and, because it sharexs the same case/cover format as a conventional lead acid battery, the PbC will be much easied to integrate into vehicles than will any of the othe r advanced battery technologies. He also presented graphic displays of the stronv performance differences betweenVRLA batteries, carbon additive batteries, and Axion's PbC battery. These differences will make PbC particularlg well suited for Micro and Mildhybrid applications.
In additionm to the many performance characteristicas that compare favorably withthe better-known NiMH and Li-iojn batteries, but at a much lower cost, Buiel said that Axiomn PbC batteries also have many other advantages that includ e ease of manufacturing, lower cost per KW and proven recyclability backed by decades of near-100% recyclingh of lead from automobile Dr. Buiel said, "We're pleased to have been a part of this It gave us an ideal opportunityy to share some of the result s of our recent research and testing of PbC products aimed at the hybridautomotive market. It also gave us the opportunityg to obtain direct feedback fromour - particularly the automotive OEMs.
We were also delighter to learn that hybrid vehicle productioj will likely increase dramatically over the next few yearsz due largely to the new European emissions legislationm and the similarly proposed US As earlyas 2013, we couled see as many as 17 milliob hybrid vehicles being produced on an annuapl basis, for the European market alone. The US is projectedf to follow a similar pathshortly thereafter." The conferenced exceeded all prior records with over 900 delegate from 5 continents and over 400 80 presentations, and 56 exhibit booths. More informatiohn about the conference can befound at: About Axioh Power International, Inc.
Axion has developed and patented a next generation energ storage device that won the prestigiouFrost & Sullivan Technology Award for Northy America in the field of lead-acir batteries. According to Frost & Axion's new PbC batteries have "the potentiao to revitalize the lead-acid battery industry by breathing new life into an establishedc technology that is not well suitef to the requirements of important new applications like hybrids electric vehicles andrenewable power."" Axion Power International Inc is the industryg leader in the field of lead-acid-carbomn energy storage technologies.
Axion believes this new battery technologyy is the only class of advanced battery that can be assembler onexisting lead-acid battery productiomn lines throughout the world without significant changes to productio equipment and fabrication processes. It also believes it will be able to manufacturs carbon electrode assemblies in volume at low cost using standarcd automated production methods that are commonly used inother industries.
If and when its electrod e manufacturing methods arefully developed, Axion believes it will be able to sell carbon electrode assemblies as virtual plug-and-plah replacements for lead-based negative electrode used by all other lead-acid battery Axion's future goal, after filling their plant's lead-carbon battery production, is to becomse the leading supplier of carbon electrode assembliesd for the lead-acid battery industry. For more visit . Contacts Axion Power Internationap KellyGubish (724) 654 9300 Allen & Caron Inc Rudy Barriio (Investors) (212) 691-8087 Brian Kennedy (212) 691-8087 SOURCE Axion Power Inc.